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Email of the Day

Cool Change

A short time ago, the amazing Carson Smith played a song called "Cool Change" by The Little River Band.  It really spoke to me, as I am mentally preparing for a big change in my family.  My husband and I are preparing to "launch" our 18-year-old daughter, as she has just gotten accepted to a competitive applied mathematics program at a fabulous university. 

When "Cool Change" came on the air, it literally brought me to tears.  It feels like yesterday when she was learning to walk and talk!  Next fall, she'll move into her college dorm 300 miles away.  I know in my heart we have raised a confident, independent, smart and resourceful woman.  She is in no way, shape or form a "snowflake."  With your words always in our minds, my husband and I have shown her what a solid relationship looks like, have guided her toward making good decisions, being a hard worker and managing money.  Most importantly, we've taught her the positive consequences of being a kind and generous person.

Emotionally, I'm not ready to let her go, but the rational side of me knows she is ready, so I must be.  By fall, she will confidently walk out the door and I will be ready (well.... almost). 



Tags: Holidays, Parenting, Values
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