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Letters From Listeners

Don't Let the Disease Have You

Dear Dr. Laura, 

On a recent show, there was a lady who had been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease.  I would like to respond to this caller. 

In April 2003, I was diagnosed with Scleraderma.  The first thing my doctor told me was, "Stay off the Internet.  Reading about this disease will make you crazy.  Every case is different and it doesn't HAVE to be a death sentence."  This was the best medical advice I have ever gotten.  Then in 2006, I was diagnosed with Lupus.  At that point, I looked at my doctor and said, "So, you are saying I have Scleraderma and Lupus.  But you didn't say that either of these terminal diseases have me."  I am vigilant in the treatments of these diseases to stave off the many different "symptoms" that creep up out of nowhere. 

It is now 2013 and I am still walking, exercising, working 2 jobs and being my 25-year-old son's mom.  Yes, I do have kidney problems from Lupus and pain and swelling in just about all my joints, not to mention the fatigue. But, I refuse to let either of these diseases, that will eventually kill me, stop me from living and being the best me I can be.  My doctor believes and has expressed that my positive attitude of 'these diseases DON'T HAVE ME' along with the immune suppressants have made all the difference. 

So, to this woman, I can understand her feeling of impending doom, however, it doesn't have to be.  She may have the disease, but, for as long as possible, don't let the disease have you. 

God Bless her and I hope some of my positive attitude can help her. 

Thank you for your time. 

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Eat Less-Move More, Exercise, Personal Responsibility, Personal Responsiblity, positive attitude, Response To A Call, Values
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