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Letters From Listeners

'Dr. Laura'd'

I wanted to let you know how valuable your program is!! I, like many listeners, listened with my mom when I was a child. I Rolled my eyes occasionally at you as a teen, but now, as a mom of 5 have found you again and love listening!!

I've realized a fun thing, when I first started listening again. I loved waiting to hear what you would say and trying to guess. But now, after several years - I feel like I have been Dr. Laura'd." Sometimes I roll my eyes at the person that feels their situation is somehow different or special. But, for those of us who have been "Dr. Laura'd", we realize that standards and values apply....regardless!!

I feel that I have grown as a person; I've become a better person, because of you! Thank you, thank you, and thank you for never tiring of telling the same values over and does eventually sink in....I'm proof!!

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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Regarding Dr. Laura, Values
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