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Email of the Day

Family Values Never Go Out Of Style
Dr. Laura:

I want to assure you that your advice has not fallen on deaf ears with regard to the younger generation.  I'm 28 years old and after five years of courtship and countless conversations about values, family and the future we wanted to build together, I can now say "I chose wisely" in a husband.  I look forward to calling you in a few years and saying not only that I'm my husband's girlfriend but that "I am my kid's mom."

My mother listened to you and made major sacrifices, giving up a career that brought in more money than my dad's, because staying home with us was worth everything to her.  She never missed a field trip, gymnastics meet or unexpected snow day off because she made sure she was always there.  I was beyond thrilled that I found a man who both supported and WANTED that too.  He's certainly not a "limp dick!"  

Thank you for being a voice of encouragement for my mom, and one that let me and my sister know that good men and family values never go out of style.  I hope this note brightens your day and gives you hope for a generation that makes me want to roll my eyes more often than I'd like to admit!

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms, Regarding Dr. Laura, Stay-at-Home Mom, Woman Power
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