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Email of the Day

Giving Myself Back To My Kids

Dr. Laura:

I'm a stay-at-home mom who caught your program at the birth of my fourth child.  At the time, I was on maternity leave from a job where I worked 60 hours a week, and I also taught two classes while pursuing a Master's degree program.  We had an apartment at my work, a house we bought and an apartment my husband lived in out of town for his work.  We were living out of three places at once and life was extremely crazy.  We were neglecting everything and were under constant stress.

Once I finally quit my job, it occurred to me how much time I had lost with my kids.  I've been home almost three years now and life has never been better.  I recently turned down a position that would have paid $500 a day but was for seven days a week.  Our family would have been completely out of debt had I taken it, but I realized no amount of money was worth sacrificing my children's lives over.  We've traveled the country eight times in the last few years, stopping in many states and exposing our children to all the wonders of the world.  

I would define myself as pretty liberal, but on the home front, I can't imagine not being home with my kids.  I know with all my education, my time to shine will eventually come, but right now, I'm shining in my children's eyes and that means more to me than anything else.  Thank you for helping to give my kids their mother back.


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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