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Letters From Listeners

Helping Dad in the Delivery Room

Hello, Dr. Laura.

My kids are 12 and 15. My husband was "required" to be in the delivery room, and although he is a pretty tough guy, he REALLY doesn't like the sight of blood. Don't get me wrong, I've seen him help a wounded woman with a rock wedged into her leg, so he can bring his tough stuff when there's an emergency, but it's not his first choice.

That being said, I told him I really wanted and expected him to be in the delivery room, but he could sit at my side facing "North", meaning facing my face, and keep the eyes averted for the whole procedure. He could look at the babies when he wanted to (right away, as it turned out), but we both said, "NO Thank you!" when they offered him the chance to cut the umbilical cord. This was a great solution for both of us. He then accompanied the babies to the nursery and videotaped their first baths and such, but got to miss the messy part of the delivery. It was great, and a good time (thanks to the epidural and an incredible level of joy and excitement!) was had by all.

All the best,


Tags: Marriage, Parenting
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