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Letters From Listeners

I AM Doing the Right Thing!

I really had to stop what I was doing to say thank you for a call I just heard on your podcast. The call was from Stacy, she was calling about her 19-year-old son who was not making wise financial decisions. I also have a 19-year-old son. Ever since his 15th birthday, it has been challenging.

My son is a bright kid. He knows right from wrong, but has always danced to his own beat. He recently moved out and I've had little communication with him. My husband and I do not discuss this situation with any friends. Only a few family members know he has moved out. My motto was to let him go on his own and figure things out his way. I believe that is the only way for him to truly grow and mature. I admit, I do feel bad sometimes because I'm just letting him "be".  I feel bad that I'm not contacting him more or trying to rescue him if he's struggling. Hearing this call helped solidify my resolve. It assured me that I am doing the right thing, by realizing he needs to make his own journey. It is not about me.

Thank you so much for all you do, this call really did wonders for me! 


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Tags: Attitude, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Raising Boys to Men, Response to a Call, Values
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