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Email of the Day

I'm Single And Proud Of My Traditional Values

Dr. Laura:

I talk about your show at work so much that my co-workers refer to you as my girlfriend!  I'm 30 years old, born and raised in the Midwest.  I'm single with no children and hold on to the traditional values that I was raised with.  You are refreshing to listen to as an advocate for personal responsibility and morals in an age when snowflakes are perpetually offended, and where shacking up seems to be the norm.  I appreciate your views on stay-at-home moms and private schools.  I'm a product of both and I think I turned out okay.  My parents raised three kids and none of us is a snowflake.  There are no limp dicks or limp chicks in my family either.  

While I'm not a teacher or a psychotherapist, I can tell which of my coworkers were put in daycare as children, as they're insecure and they compete for attention from our boss and other leaders in the company and show little or no regard for their peers.  If I find "Miss Right" and we have a family, be assured we will do the right thing and love and care for our kids at home and not outsource our responsibilities and obligations to some strangers who do it because they are paid.  

Thank you for being a voice for morals in a society that seems to embrace the wrong and shun the right.  There are thousands like me in my generation embracing morals and learning from the mistakes of generations past.  Keep up the good work!


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Values
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