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Letters From Listeners

Keeping Me Sane

 Dr. Laura, 

In the days when I was in the thick of raising my eight kids, 5 boys, 3 girls, all mine and my hubby's, all single births, all home schooled, finding your radio show helped keep me sane, strong and determined. I knew staying home to raise my kids, no matter how hard, was good and right, and your voice reinforced that I wasn't crazy for doing just that. In the never-ending days of soccer mom, tuning into your show gave me a push and sometimes a kick in the butt that made my day rock.  You helped me figure out, resolve, and be affirmative in many child rearing and marital issues. 

After 32 years of marriage, we are still crazy in love. I am a happy and blessed woman, and he's been open and supportive to your advice. Currently, I am a bereavement ministry leader as we lost an infant son in a horrific auto accident. Your wisdom has helped me, help others who are bereaving. This is a hard ministry to serve in, so many heart-wrenching stories, but I know it's the right thing for me to do. Our team of over 20 volunteers shares our passion and helps us deliver 80-100 free bereavement care packages each month. 

Many blessings, 


Tags: Attitude, Marriage, Parenting, Regarding Dr. Laura, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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