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Letters From Listeners

Kindergarten Cheaper Than Day Care?

Hi Dr. Laura! 

I thought of you the other day during a recent conversation and wanted to share it with you. I took my 2-year-old daughter to the pool in our complex. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I'm able to do things like that with my daughter during the day. An acquaintance of mine was there. She asked me how my 8-year-old son's first day 3rd grade was. She then proceeded to tell me her 9-year-old twin grandsons were in 3rd grade.  They had repeated kindergarten because they were enrolled when they were only 5 because it was "cheaper than day care." That was a new one to me! I couldn't believe that parents would purposefully enroll their kids into kindergarten before they were ready, just to save money on day care. Unbelievable. 

Thanks for listening, Dr. Laura, and as always, keep up the good work!! 


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Tags: Behavior, Day Care, Education, Finances, Parenting, Values
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