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Email of the Day

Making Myself The Example My Kids Need

Dr. Laura:

I am a 40-year-old wife and mother of 2, married for 17 years.  I've been listening to you since I was 12 (in the car, when my mother was driving).  You made an impact on me then, and you continue to influence my life today.

My daughters are 10 and 12, and since Day One, I've been a stay-at-home mom.  Our girls are growing up with a dad who is the kind of man that I would want them to marry.  I also strive to be an example to them of what it means to be a good mother and wife.  My husband and I have a great deal of love and respect for each other.  We treat each other kindly, and we spend quality time together as a family daily.  My husband and I turn TO each other when life gets hard, and we are both "soft places" for the other to land when life knocks us down.  We work hard to raise our girls to be kind, well-rounded, confident and happy, and they have never known daycare.  

My husband makes a modest salary and we do it.  We don't have a ton of extra money and we don't live in the most expensive part of town, but we have everything.  


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Marriage, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Values
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