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Letters From Listeners

New Hobbies
Hi Dr.Laura,

I heard the other day that you were going to start ballroom dance lessons and I was excited for you. I started country lessons in 1982, on the advice of my attorney. Getting into this hobby helped me with my stress relief and mental health. People take lessons for many reasons; the usual meat market, exercise, getting away from kids or spouse, etc.

During my first lesson, they gave me the basic pointers. I was told to wear comfortable shoes that slide, to practice after taking lessons. However, the most important rule is to let the man lead. At times, this can be hard for some of us to remember. I have taken country, ballroom and salsa lessons but I like the country best. I have made lifelong friends, traveled with dance groups, and even met my husband.

I look forward to hearing about your adventure and have fun! Please keep us posted on what you're learning. 

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Tags: Hobbies, Mental Health, Response to a Comment, Stress, Tips, Woman Power
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