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Letters From Listeners

Our Child of Grace

My wife had a postpartum of 2 years with our first child Fortunately a neighbor woke me up to what was happening and I got help and took the time to help my wife. I did all the shopping, cooking, cleaning and most of the nighttime feedings. Then 4 years later we had our son. Once again my wife had postpartum depression but this time I was aware. I took a 1-month leave of absence from my job and again helped all I could. Because of this, we decided to do a vasectomy. We had two children, one of each.

A year and a half later my wife came into my office, dropped into my lap and started to ball her eyes out. I asked what was wrong and she told me "we" were pregnant. The doctor was mystified as to how I reversed. Because of our beliefs, abortion was not an option. So we went forward and our daughter was born. I walked in one day after she was born and I saw she was on my wife's tummy. I went over to pick her up and my wife said: "What are you doing?" I said, "putting her in the bassinet". She said, "leave her where she's at, she's happy and so am I!" Finally, with the third, unexpected, initially unwanted child my wife bonded. This child brought a healing to my wife. We are now the proud parents of three, and grandparents to six!

Tags: Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Motherhood-Fatherhood, Parenting, Relationships
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