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Letters From Listeners

Raising Entitled Kids

I think as parents, we've tried to give our kids better than what we think we had, or what we think we missed and should have gotten or needed, but in doing so, we may not have allowed our children to learn lessons in life at a young age through experience, because we protected them too much. The home and society used to be a good trainer for character-building, and everybody's morals and values were pretty much aligned; however, that is not the case anymore. The past few generations of parents have allowed a society that is not so family-valued or spiritual.  It's a society focused to dictate what we should all think and expect, and allow it into our home.  What is called "going with the flow" is really being wishy-washy and not being accountable for our parenting, as well as not making our kids accountable and responsible for their actions, thoughts and words. Parents need to get a backbone again, to balance real discipline, character-building and strength, tempered with love and compassion. You do your kids a bigger favor to teach them while they're young, and sometimes let the chips fall where they may be in order to learn a lesson, than by always "fixing" their problems and enabling them.


Tags: Life lessons, Morals/Ethics/Values, Parenting, Social Issues, Values
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