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Letters From Listeners

Standing Up to My Feminist Mother-in-Law

Dear Dr. Laura, 

My husband and I called you and I was so surprised at what you were telling me I am sorry to say I was not intently listening. I was waiting for you to really "give it" to my hubby for not handling his mom! I was the stay-at-home mom with the feminist mother-in-law.  I "felt" personally attacked by her whenever she gave her strong opinions about everything. 

I listened to my call on your podcast over and over again, since I wasn't really listening the first time and every single thing you said was true. I had never been confident in any decision I had ever made! Not even when I KNEW it was the BEST and RIGHT thing to do! You went on to point out that working moms who use day care, nannies and babysitters "venomously hate stay-at-home moms because the stay-at-home moms are pointing out that they are wrong." You are so right on!!! I should never take my mother-in-law's opinions about anything personally. Especially when I know with confidence that my children have a real mommy. I wouldn't trade my job as a mommy for anything in the world because I get to be there for everything: smooches, hugs, making lunches, sick days, bath-time, soccer games, questions about life, dance recitals and getting to make yummy dinners that my hubby and children LOVE! The definition of domestic is being devoted to home life! Wow! How blessed am I to be a part of my children's light speed childhood!!!! 

I know now that my mother-in-law smelled blood, meaning she could tell I was weak and that I wanted to please her. I will not be frustrated any longer thanks to you! I'll do what you said and be sweet, kind and combat her strong opinions with, "Thank you for your opinion, but this is what I decided and it is what is best for us!" 

Thank you, Dr. Laura, for helping me to grow a pair! 



Tags: Attitude, Behavior, In-Laws, Marriage, Regarding Dr. Laura, Stay-at-Home Mom
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