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Email of the Day

Suck It Up

Dear Dr. Laura:

As a school administrator, I see parents rob their kids of the feeling of having earned something for themselves far too often.  I especially have seen this with divorced parents.  When their child gets in trouble at school, they come with their kid and proceed to tell me how unfair it is that he or she was punished with detention - and they do it right in front of their child.  

From that point on, the kid is a royal pain.  The parent leaves thinking "I just defended my child, so he must think I'm really great."  However the kid is left thinking "hey, I can do what I want, because my mom or dad will always come to rescue me."  I find myself counting the minutes before the next time this child is in my office for a new offense.

When I was a boy and got a detention in school and I told my dad it "wasn't fair," his response was to "suck it up."  I learned my lesson then and there.  If only parents realized they are doing their sons and daughters a major disservice by always bailing them out.

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Men's Point of View, Parenting, Raising Boys to Men, Teens, Values
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