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Teachers who Molest - Shh...Wink, Wink
IconBrace yourselves for this one: The Oregonian on February 18 exposed a demonic deal made in 2004 between the Salem-Keizer Public Schools and a teacher.  Here's the deal:  if the teacher resigned, they would conceal his alleged conduct (touching and grabbing butts) from the public.  Moreover, they promised not to reveal the teacher's behavior if potential employers called looking for a reference.  They would attribute his departure to personal reasons and make no reference to the agreement. The Oregonian confirmed 47 similar confidential settlement agreements. "During the past five years, nearly half of Oregon teachers disciplined for sexual misconduct with a child left their school districts with confidential agreements.... Some promised cash settlements, health insurance, and letters of recommendation as incentives for a resignation. The practice is so widespread, school officials across the country call it 'passing the trash.'" I think school systems around the country should be examined to ensure this "trash passing" isn't happening in your area.  Also, every parent has a moral obligation to every other parent and child to report such abuse to the police - in spite of embarrassment - so that these worms will be forced above ground.  And by "worms," I don't just mean the molesters.  I mean the administrations that would clean up their yards by dumping trash in another's yard and put unsuspecting children at risk.Disgusting.
Tags: Children, Education, Family/Relationships - Children, Parenting, School
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