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Email of the Day

Tonight's Journal Entry

Dearest Dr. Laura,

(I just copied tonight's journal entry into an email to my husband.  I hope he “gets it”):

I'm thankful for my husband: for his willingness and determination to provide so that I can be at home - to be a MOM. The boys have been very sick to their stomachs. It's been quite the tiresome adventure (sparing the details). In the midst of the least pleasant tasks I've faced in the last few days, I've been struck by how blessed I am. The fact that I'm with the kids, to comfort them, to enjoy them, and even to perform the nastiest of tasks they require is SUCH a PROFOUND BLESSING. It is a challenge- no question. But even when it comes to the hard stuff, I wouldn't skip it. It surprises me how much I mean that. It is MY job- -no one else's-- and I'm so truly honored to do it.

I'm often tired… and dirty… and, frankly, grossed-out. But I love that I'm able to do it. I love that I'm here with them, living side by side through the adventures and struggles. I love that I don't need to worry about arranging to miss work when "they need me" (don't they ALWAYS need me?) or when they get sick. I love that they expect ME to take care of whatever comes up- because I will--because I DO-- because I am their MOM. It's an immeasurable gift. No worries about getting shorted on a paycheck in order to be with them. No competing priorities or concerns. I am their MOM, and hubby makes that possible. He is my ANGEL, my JOY, my HOPE, my LOVE. He is my MAN!! Oh how I love him for this!!


Tags: Behavior, Gratitude, Husband, Read On-Air, SAHM stay-at-home mom, Values
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