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Letters From Listeners

We Need to 'Update our Status' as Parents

Dr. Laura,

I was on Facebook today and someone had posted this as their status, "I just dropped my daughter off at her little school and she cried hysterically. Then I walked away crying. This mommy stuff can be brutal. Holy cow. Any tips from you parents out there on how to handle this one? Ughhh."

Her daughter is 2 years old! One of the responses was this....

"Just remember that it is wonderful for her to be social and learn about the world outside of your home. You are making her a better person. She will learn and grow and learn independence. This is a good thing (even if it is hard now) Stay strong, you are doing great!"

I wanted to scream. Do people just tell themselves that to make themselves not feel like terrible parents? My son is 2 1/2 years old. I am at home with him (even though it meant cutting our income down to 25% of what we were making. This has been a huge sacrifice, but not really because the bonuses of me being at home ridiculously outweigh any negatives. I am a better, happier, sweeter wife! Me and my son are able to do all kinds of things TOGETHER! He is still able to be "social and learn about world outside of our home" because I AM THERE WITH HIM TEACHING HIM ALL ABOUT IT!!!!!

Thank you for your support of at home moms. I am so grateful to have you in my ear everyday helping me be a better wife and mommy.


Tags: Parenting, SAHM stay-at-home mom, Values
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