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Email of the Day

We had a Day Orphanage Debate in Class
IconGood afternoon Dr. Laura! Thank you very much for all of the wisdom and generosity you give your fans everyday, you are always correct about things. Today we had a debate on day care for our speech class (for college) and I was the lead speaker for the side that argues against day care (it was 2 guys, versus 3 girls who supported day care). It was one hour long, and I must say I almost wanted to vomit upon hearing the other debaters. Their reasons for supporting day care were nothing more than "I, ME, and MINE." One of the girls actually said, "What kind of a parent can watch their kid 24/7?" It made me SICK! Even worse, they claim that day care is the best place to put sick children! I didn't see any good arguments from them. When I cross-examined them they couldn't answer any of my questions. They even paused and zone out when I asked them, "If you can't afford kids then why would you have them?" The answer was simply watered down to, "Because we are entitled to have what we want." They got angry when I called day cares "day orphanages" (thank you for that line Dr. Laura!). Unfortunately, we lost the debate with a vote of 6-7. COINCIDENTALLY there are 7 women and 6 men in our class... I'm guessing that is why we lost even though I had countered every question they asked and didn't pause during my persuasive speech. I was right when I predicted the outcome of this (seems like you can't change someone's mind once they are made up). And by the way, none of those girls had kids of their own. J.
Tags: Morals, Ethics, Values, Parenting, Read On-Air, Social Issues, Values
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