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Email of the Day


I'm a proud stay-at-home mom to three children.  My mother was a stay-at-home mom too.  She was there for me every single day.  She saw me off to school and was there when I got home.  She made our house into a beautiful home, and took great pride in making our life the best it could be.  I often reflect back on my childhood, because I want to have the same home for MY family.   

When I was a teenager, Mom started to work from home.  She did not divert from her family and we still had a warm, welcoming place to live.  Years went on, and Mom still worked from home; Dad retired and she still worked from home.  Then Dad passed away, and she still worked....from home.  

Now, after many years of spending her days at home, I am thrilled to say that my Mom is venturing out and starting her first job outside the home in more than 45 years!  She has shown me that you're never too old to get out there and start something new.  I am proud of the woman she is and has always been in my eyes.  She is amazing and I thank her for always teaching me and giving me the childhood and life that I have.  And Dr. Laura, thank YOU for always reminding us that being home with your children is one of the most important jobs we could have in our lifetimes.


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Regarding Dr. Laura, Stay-at-Home Mom, Values
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