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Blog: Judge the Jerk You're With – Not Yourself!

By Dr. Laura on August 5, 2024
Blog: Judge the Jerk You're With – Not Yourself!

Ladies. You are living in a society where you get to decide for yourself who to marry. Not every culture allows that. Here in America, we can make any choice we'd like, so it's amazing to see what women are willing to tolerate in their men. Take my listener Chelsea, who called me upset that her boyfriend's favorite pastime was ogling scantily clad women on the internet. 


Why any would woman would want a man who spends his time doing that is beyond me. But, to make matters worse, young Chelsea was just as upset that maybe she didn't look good enough for this guy. Instead of telling herself, “He's not worth my time,” Chelsea was thinking, “Oh my God! Her thighs are better than mine! Do I look good enough to keep him?”


It's sad that we have an entire generation of women with such low self-esteem, stupidly comparing themselves on social media and without a clue about how to pick a quality man for a quality life. Silly girls who aren't willing to judge the behaviors of the men who supposedly care about them. 


I want Chelsea and young women like her to be disgusted and choose to have nothing to do with a guy like hers. The attitude I want to see is, “What a pig! I'm done!” Dating is to discern character, personality, potential and whether that person is kind, good, loving and someone you can count on. When you discover that you're dating someone who doesn't live up to your expectations, you're supposed to leave. 


If you want to be in a good relationship, understand that, ultimately a real man doesn't marry a woman because she's pretty. A good guy is going to be more concerned with character. So, instead of wondering if you look good enough for a man, spend your time trying to be a person of value and tell yourself, “I'm looking for a really good guy. One I don't have to prove anything to, and one I can also love 'as-is.'"



How did you discern you were dating a jerk? Do you have any wisdom you'd share with young women today going through the same thing? Share your thoughts with me here!



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