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Blog: When It Comes to True Friends, Honesty is the Best Policy

By Dr. Laura on July 22, 2024
Blog: When It Comes to True Friends, Honesty is the Best Policy

What's simple but not easy at the same time? Telling a friend the truth. Acquaintances and buddies don't matter as much. It's different with friends who mean something to you, like with Sarah, who called to ask me how to respond to the news that her girlfriend of 15 years was a β€œswinger.”


I bet there are things some of your friends are doing right now that you probably wouldn't approve of, you just don't know about them. My advice: If it doesn't involve you, stay out of it. And, when it comes to true friendships, have the nerve to say what you feel.


Women tend to think, β€œOh, If I tell her how I feel, then she won't like me anymore!” But when it comes to someone you're hoping to maintain a relationship with, you have to speak up when they've crossed the line. If you are uncomfortable discussing their infidelities, destructive behaviors, alternative lifestyles – whatever the case may be -- you need to be able to say, β€œI want to keep this sort of thing out of our relationship.”


That's what friends do – they tell each other the truth.



How have you dealt with friendship issues? What was the result of your decisions? Share your stories with me here!



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