The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Blog: Why Do Women Regret Their Marriages More Than Men?

Written by Dr. Laura | 4/15/24 8:45 AM
I get really curious when I see polls and surveys on the internet with huge numbers of women reporting marriage as a significant life regret. Because, at the same time, it's usually a really minuscule number of men who cite marriage as one of their biggest regrets. I even see it here on the Dr. Laura program. I recently took a call from John, a husband whose wife was wreaking so much havoc in the family that she was no longer permitted to see her grandchildren. They had been married for 33 years and, even as he was stuck in the middle of some terrible drama fueled by his wife, John didn't sound like he regretted having married such a woman.


It's an interesting juxtaposition, don't you think?


What occurs to me is that the men are either much better at picking a mate or just way more tolerant than the women. I opened the Dr. Laura program the day I spoke to John by asking my listeners for their theories on why fewer men than women seem to regret their marriages. Their responses were so good, I thought I'd share them with you here:


I decided to ask my listeners for their theories on why so few men seemed to list their marriages as a regret. Their responses were so good, I thought I'd share them with you.


David: I think a lot of women use emotion when dating and believe they can change their mate. Men make decisions with less emotion.


Susan: Men don't sweat the small stuff. They're so easy and will forgive just about anything. Susan's deceased husband would, “hit the reset button and ask, 'can we just start over?'” when they would have an argument.


Kip: Women tend to marry for security more than men do, and when you marry for the wrong reasons, you get
disappointed and ultimately divorced. 


Jackie: Women are generally ruled by their hearts. Men are typically more logical. 


Virginia: Other women! Friends who are always complaining about their husbands become a negative influence.


Dave: It has to do with a mater of perception. As time goes on, men like myself feel like we married up,
while many women talk about “I deserve better” or “I don't deserve this.” Men feel lucky and women feel taken advantage of.  


Barbara: Women place more value on relationships whereas men focus on jobs and adventure and might regret more something they didn't get a chance to do in life.


Kevin: Guys are like puppies and are just happy when they have someone they think likes them. Women think they should have it all and can be easily disappointed.


Marie: As a society, women are the main caregivers of children, the home, husband, elderly parents and can easily get burnt out.


Dan: Men want all women to satisfy their one need and women want one man to satisfy their every need. Men are simple creatures and are more content whereas women just want more, more, more.


Glen: Men are more flexible and can let stuff go. Women are good at ruminating and marinating on things. 


Laura: Social media has increased unhappiness with women comparing their homes, husbands, kids, trips, etc.


Daylan: A lot of guys just want a girl they can love while a lot of women want a man to love along with a nice house, a dog, great kids, fun trips, etc. 


What do you think is the reason behind women being so much more unhappy with relationships than men? What's your biggest regret in life? Share your story with me here!