Marriage And Family Come First
January 8, 2016
Marriage And Family Come First

Dr. Laura:

I've been listening to you for many years, and I finally realized how important it is to put my husband before my crazy corporate job.  Recently, I have made a point to put silly and sweet notes on his coffee mug in the morning, and even stashed holiday candy in fun places in hopes he will think of me during his commute.

Even better, he's taken my lead and starts my coffee in the morning and leaves me notes as well.  At one point before this, we were so stressed out that I didn't know if we would make it or not.  We now have a plan in place to allow me to leave my job in the next six months to allow us to focus on our marriage, even though our kids are already up and out.  

Thank you for reminding me that marriage and family comes before everything else.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM