Being My Own Man
October 3, 2016
Being My Own Man

Dear Dr. Laura:

I am the husband of one lovely, adorable, caring devoted wife, mother of our two children, and married to me for 44 years.

I grew up watching my dad berate, beat and abuse my wonderful mom.  I never wanted to be like him, so I swore off anything that defined him.  I'm not perfect, but I love opening doors for my wife, and will do so as a gentlemanly thing for other women too.I'll cook (although my wife is the better cook of the two of us), wash the dishes, and buy her flowers on a whim because she loves them.  My wife suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia, so I can't give her body massages, but she loves - and GETS - foot massages.

The way I see things is that every man has a mother who he hopefully loves and about whom he cares how she's treated.  How I treat my wife is my example to my sons as to how they should treat their spouses with love and respect.

Dr. Laura, my wife and I are long-time listeners to your show, and I am very happy to pay for my SiriusXM subscription in order to hear you!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM