I AM The Heart Of My Family
January 3, 2017
I AM The Heart Of My Family

Dr. Laura:

As I lay on my bed this morning, petting my dog, chatting with my husband as he got ready for work, something you've said repeatedly on-air sunk in.  I'm 38 years old, married 1 1/2 years, and I'm almost 8 months pregnant.  I've already quit my fabulous job as a music teacher to be a housewife and stay-at-home Mommy.  However, I've struggled to find my center in these new roles.  Since I taught my last music lesson, I've done all the things I think I'm supposed to do - be attentive to my husband, make meals, create a pleasant home for my husband to return to every evening, plan fun activities, host parties and more.  Yet, I've felt emotionally disconnected from much of it.

That's when I recalled what you've said many times:  "Day care is a place where a child is unloved all day."  So, naturally, home is where a child or husband is loved all day.  Home is love, but what does it look like or feel like?  How do I connect my heart to these new roles?  That's when it hit me this morning - THIS is what it looks and feels like!  A calm, warm, patient woman smiling, listening, and loving.  My heart is a big, cozy bed that my family and pets get to snuggle into.  As I type this, my baby started kicking wildly - in agreement?  

I am the heart of my family.  As I've also heard you say before, "Do the right thing and the feelings will follow."  I now understand what you mean.  I've behaved lovingly, and now I FEEL loving.  It's a wonderful, peaceful sensation.  Thank you!

Warmest wishes,


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM