Becoming My Kid's Mom
June 27, 2017
Becoming My Kid's Mom

Dr. Laura,

I have been listening to you for over the last 25 years. I have loved your moral strength and character, dedication to family, and courage to speak the truth. Because of you, I stopped working. I raised my children and became my kid's mom. I now am in the midst of going back to school to become a nurse practitioner. I work out regularly and I am striving to be my husband's girlfriend. All to your credit and encouragement!

I know you probably have heard this countless times before, but you inspire me to be better than I am. You have been an outstanding role model to me over the years and I just want to properly thank you. I probably will never get the chance to meet you in person, but you are on my bucket list to meet someday! Thank you, Dr. Laura, for being the beautiful, sassy, and dedicated woman that you are. I am thankful you were born at such a time as this. I appreciate that you stand firm in your convictions. l love how you end your programs with "now go do the right thing..." that speaks volumes to one's soul!

Thank you for having a depth of character, making me think & helping to convict my heart to truly do the right thing. This world is so messed up! You are like a compass in a storm! I would hate to see what the world would be like without you in it.

One of your many thankful surrogate daughters, 


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM