You Had Me at: 'So, Your Daughter's a...'
April 13, 2012
You Had Me at: 'So, Your Daughter's a...'

Several years ago, before you went to satellite radio, I was driving along, as many others, trying to find a radio station to listen to, preferring talk to music radio when traveling long distance.

....landing on a station, I heard " your daughter's a slut?" WHOA....what the heck! I continue to listen and I heard a woman telling you of her adult daughter, living with her boyfriend. My own daughter had made this awful decision just days before. You had no nonsense advice for a very difficult situation. Since this day I have been a faithful follower. I lost you until last year when I acquired a new car with satellite - what a glorious day when I found your voice, again. Thank you for all that you do.

BTW  - I recently remarried 3 years ago at the age of 5 0, after being a single parent since the age of 32. My 3 daughters are wonderful, confident, successful women.



Posted by Staff at 4:11 PM