Comparing Ourselves to Others
July 10, 2012
Comparing Ourselves to Others

I have been a mom at home for 23 plus years and am well aware of what "things" our family had to give up so we could be a "Dad works and Mom stays home with the kids" family.

I just read your blog about comparing ourselves to others and I thought you would like to hear my response to my children when they would compare "things" our family had with what "things" our neighbors or their friend's families had. (Usually we had less and they had more or newer or the latest "thing".)  My children would say we must be poor and the other family must be rich. I would just say, "It is not that their family has MORE money than ours, it is that their family has chosen to SPEND their money on that "thing". They now don't have that money. It is gone."

Needless to say, my 23 year old son is now a saver and I am very proud of him. He likes nice things, but is aware of what it costs to have those things. He is also not in debt. Good Kid!


Posted by Staff at 8:53 AM