The Desire To Actively Raise My Children
November 18, 2015
The Desire To Actively Raise My Children

Dr. Laura:

I'm a 28 year old stay-at-home mother of three.  For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a mother.  Not just to pop out a few kids to accessorize my life, but to be present in their lives, actively raising them.  When I was fourteen, I told my own mother that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and make a loving home for my family.  "That's it?" she said.  "Not setting very high goals for yourself, are you?  What a waste."

Her response has stuck with me as the baseline for how I've felt about my life choices for a long time.  I've struggled with feeling inferior because of my desire to actively raise my children and make them and my husband my main priority.  I've found it difficult to find friends who share my opinions or even some that don't think the way I live my life is somehow taking a step backward for women's rights.  Someone actually said to me that I must not value the sacrifices made during the women's rights movement because I'm choosing to be "just a homemaker."

Last year, a good friend bought me a subscription to your podcast.  She said I'd really like listening to you because we share the same values.  Finally!  Someone who saw the stay-at-home world as I did! I listen every day and am so thankful for what you advocate for.  You have honestly changed my life!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM