Learning How To Have A Good Marriage
June 6, 2017
Learning How To Have A Good Marriage

Dear Dr. Laura:

I know that my husband and I managed to escape the statistics - our marriage should never have worked.  When we met, he was just out of a bad marriage, we were both on active duty, and he had two minor children.  I was 23 and never married with no kids.  We married anyway and were able to get custody of the two children a few years into our marriage.  Was it easy?  Hell no.  Were there challenges?  Hell, yes!  But after 26 years of marriage, I'm proud of our longevity and the fact that we beat the overwhelming odds against us.

He is currently on a project that takes him out of the area for the next few months.  Yesterday, I came home to a surprise package for me with a beautiful gift inside.  I discovered your program after we first got married, and we've listened for the entire time since then.   We learned from you what we had to do to HAVE a good marriage.  My stepsons waited until they were 30 to get married so they would statistically increase the likelihood of a successful union.

Thank you for adjusting my moral compass and my attitude over these many years.  You have helped change my family's life.



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM