The Decisions That Shaped Our Home
May 5, 2017
The Decisions That Shaped Our Home

Dr. Laura:

I want to thank you for a life-recognizing moment!  Last week, my daughter called you about an issue with her sister-in-law.  She painted the picture, and you said "You come from a warm, loving family," and my ears grew deaf to what else was said.

I got married at 17 and my husband was 22.  His father died when he was an infant, and my parents divorced when I was 4.  Once the reality of our actions slapped us in the face, my husband and I agreed our baby was our priority.  32 years later, I've had 8 kids and 32 years of staying home with them.  

Two decisions shaped our home.  First, my husband told me early on that he made a pact with himself that if the kids asked him to do an activity, he would make every effort to do it.  He played ball, made pancakes, taught them to ride bikes and how to fish.  He always stepped up to the plate.  Second, our home was an alcohol-free zone, and that has served us well.  I believe it's harder to step out of bounds as a kid when your parents are "in bounds."

However, your saying that we were a warm, loving family was better than receiving an Emmy or an Oscar!  Our hard work has paid off.  Thank you so much for helping me see that even with my mistakes, I'm doing something right!






Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM