Searching for a Job
October 11, 2011
Searching for a Job

Dr. Laura,

Friday's call (10.07.11) from Donna caught my attention. She said SHE would "pound the pavement" to find a job while her husband sticks to the internet and such. Two years ago, I was out of work for 6 months. "Pounding the pavement" does very little these days, at least in some businesses. While I was looking online and contacting placement agencies in my industry, I also went to hardware stores to perhaps get a job as a clerk or salesman or advisor. (I do know quite a bit about such things.) Every single business I went to in person said the same thing: "Apply online. All applications are made online. We do not accept applications in the store." Even grocery stores out here (that would be in WAY-OUT California) have in-store computers for applying. So, "pounding the pavement" is not what it used to be before the internet, and many businesses discourage it.


Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM