I Should Have Been The Bigger Person
April 4, 2017
I Should Have Been The Bigger Person

Many parents DO pass on relationship killing behavior to their kids. A few do it unconsciously, but most are intentional. Most parents either speak poorly of their mate in relationships or treat them poorly. Even little comments can be really damaging to a kid's future relationships.

I was an ass to my mother-in-law because that was the behavior I saw from my mother and her mother. Now I deeply regret my behavior. I am not saying mom-in-law did not deserve some of what I dished out. I should have been the bigger person and treated her with respect and kindness from the get-go. I also treated my ex-husband like an infant; he was a mamma's boy. I knew this when I married him. I thought I could fix him. I would bitch about his behavior to everyone. This backfired on me with my son.

I have learned a lot from listening to your show for more than 10 years. I only wish I had heard this when I was a kid. Thanks for being the mom/parent some of us never had. I am my husband's hot sexy girlfriend and I am ready to be my grandkids grand mom.

Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM