Putting Love Into Action
June 16, 2017
Putting Love Into Action

The greatest lesson I have learned about love, is that love is a verb, not a noun.

As you know, a noun is a thing, and a verb is an action word. A beautiful garden is a wonderful thing, but unless you water it, feed it, pull the weeds and take care of it, it will wither and die. If you want love to grow, you need to actively love, by caring, sharing, helping, listening, doing... the list goes on.

My sweet husband and I have been married for almost 31 years now and I can honestly say we love each other more every day. We choose to actively love each other. I have loved listening to your show over the years and reading your books. I appreciate and respect your no nonsense, straight forward advice.

Thank you for all you do. 

Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM