Male Victims of Domestic Violence
November 9, 2011
Male Victims of Domestic Violence

I really appreciated your show about male victims of domestic violence. This is a problem not many in the domestic violence industry want to admit exists.  They try to pass this off as a gender specific issue. It is not. There are many men suffering in silence. Vice president Joe Biden was on The View recently talking about teen violence against girls. What he failed to mention was, according to the last census bureau, more boys reported being hit by their girlfriends than vice-versa. I guess he didn't think that would be popular on The View. This week I saw three sitcom promos of women kicking and/or punching men in the face followed by laughter. If you switched the genders, no one would have laughed. So thank you for bringing serious attention to this problem few, if anyone else, takes seriously.


Posted by Staff at 3:52 PM