May 23, 2011
Why Men Are Failing
IconI read in an article in Slate by a professor in the Sociology Department at the University of Texas at Austin. I had some problems with some of his explanations, but the main point is so right on! Women and girls today are, by and large, really stupid about love and sex. As I have said so many times to women who have called my radio show: "Why are you acting like an unpaid whore? Whatever happened to wanting to be on a pedestal?"

Women in America are the freest of any women in the world and they make stupid choices without thinking about the consequences to their lives and the out-of-wedlock kids or the wedlock kids, and then the divorce.

The article is called "Sex is Cheap: Why Young Men Have the Upper Hand in Bed, Even When They're Failing in Life." I've always said it's the women who decide the level of morality in a society. What women will and won't do is the line in the sand.

Women used to take some pride in deciding with whom and when they would have sex. In the animal kingdom, males have to fight and dance in order to qualify to have sex with the females - they either have to fight other males for access, or they have to enthrall the female somehow, which is one of the reasons males of the species are usually prettier than the females. Male birds are usually more colorful, because they need to impress to get the girl. There are species in which males have to make an entire nest or the female won't be bothered! Critters whose brains are a microscopic percentage of human brains, with little or no gray matter, seem to have better sense when it's instinctive, as opposed to when there is freedom of choice.

As women have gotten weaker and stupider, more kids are born out-of-wedlock, and there's more chaos, violence, and drug use so more kids are ADHD because their lives are total chaos.

Yes, I blame it on the women, and I am a woman. We are the ones who determine everything when it comes to relationships. A guy used to have to get down on one knee, convince your parents he was worthy and could support a family, had to court you for at least a year and a half, then maybe you'd say "yes" if you thought he'd make a quality husband and father. Now, women just drop their pants if it's Tuesday....or Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

So this article is pretty interesting, because it says young men are failing to adapt to contemporary life, but the author thinks it's all supply and demand. He has good arguments, but I don't agree with them. I think we've just had a generalized destruction of the fabric of society. You can hardly find a commercial on TV that doesn't use blatant, meaningless sexuality to sell a product. Children are brought up to think this is normal.

Any woman who volunteers to NOT be on a pedestal is stupid. She is missing out on something adorable and sweet - a man wooing, wanting, and working to earn her. Now, women have a date and a half and are on their backs or on their knees. Women are putting perfectly good prostitutes out of business. At least the commitment those "working girls" get is money. Now "good girls" will do it for nothing, just to be there.

What makes all this horrible is the number of girls who get knocked up, and either have the baby sucked into a sink or believe they can handle it themselves. The kids have no dad and no extended family structure. It's all very sad, and it's overwhelmingly the fault of the woman, because we're the ones making these decisions. Unless it is assaultive criminal rape, we make these decisions. We get drunk, we get naked, we do whatever, and then we generalize it and justify it in some stupid way, but basically speaking, that's it.

So young men aren't working hard anymore, and their failures in life aren't penalizing them in the bedroom. Ironically (and I've pointed this out many times), being so sexually successful hinders a man's drive to achieve in life. It used to be a well-known statistic men who are married, have children, and work hard to support their families are more successful than single dudes, because they have something to live for and to work for. Guys don't have that anymore. They have women who aren't expecting them to be more or to do more.

Cheap sex is what women settle for, and that's what they get. When they are not respected, they're not adored, they're not revered, they're not loved, they're not really wanted, and they're not on a pedestal. Then do you know what they do?

They bitch.

Posted by Staff at 3:59 PM