September 22, 2011
Learning My Importance in the Family

Dr. Laura,

I just wanted to thank you again (and again!) for writing The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands. This book was first suggested to me by my husband after he heard an interview with you on Focus on the Family.

We had reached a crossroads in our relationship and I wasn't sure whether we were going to make it. He asked me to read it, and I thought "Sure. Kick me when I'm down. I already know I've blown it." Then he said, "If you want to... I think you will see how important you are in our family." So, I read it. And, THANK YOU are the only words to express.

Seven years later, we are still together, and our marriage is the most honest it has ever been; stronger than I ever thought possible. I re-read it this summer, just to remember how sweet it is; how good it can be. Thank you for shooting straight from the belt. Thank you for seeing the value men and women have to each other in a family. Thank you for dispelling the lies and encouraging the truth. I really needed to know I have a significant role to play in the lives of my husband and children.


Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM