Get A Ring And A Date
October 12, 2017
Get A Ring And A Date

One of the most important pieces of advice my mom learned from you that she passed along to me was to "get a ring and a date" before moving in with my then-boyfriend.  He's now my husband.  We're both in our 30s, have been married nine years and have a toddler.  We wanted to travel to all 50 states before having children - we made it to 49!

My child has never watched TV, been in front of an iPad, or stared mindlessly into a phone screen.  Practically speaking, there are far too many other more interesting things to do.  Our days are filled with reading, counting pumpkins in the yard, following ants in the dirt, walking, and zooming our endless supply of Matchbox cars on every usable surface.  Our child is disinterested in the devices, I believe, simply because he does not see them as a threat.  He doesn't see my face buried in a screen and feel the need to fight for my attention and affection.  I'm not swatting him away so I can check the latest on social media or check my email for the thousandth time.

Also, I thought my marriage was pretty awesome, but after reading "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands," it's now FANTASTIC!  My marriage really has gotten better by putting your suggestions into practice.

I am really touched by your continued attention to what is right, honorable and good.

Thank you, Dr. Laura.




Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM