Changing My Ways
December 8, 2017
Changing My Ways

Dr. Laura,

I am 32 years old and met my husband when I was 24. We were friends for two years and started dating at 26, got engaged at 27, and married at 28 (can you tell I listen to you?). I remember asking him if he would swim through shark-infested waters to bring me a lemonade, and he said he would do anything for me, and since he owned a boat, he would get me that lemonade faster if I wished!

We have now been married 4 1/2 years, and have been through a lot of challenges. We navigated through them the best way we could, but we were young, and unfamiliar territory, so we made mistakes along the way. as we went through this, I began to resent him and become bitter. Our marriage was still good, but it wasn't great, and my unhappiness continued to grow. I spent days, weeks,  and months blaming him for my unhappiness. In my mind nothing he did was right, and I found myself snapping at him all too often. I knew something needed to change but I wasn't woman enough to admit that I was the one who needed to change, but I wasn't woman enough to admit that I was the one who needed to change. So, I continued to act live and act like a bitch.

One day my husband came to me and told me he was struggling. He was beginning to resent me for my behavior, tone of voice lack of sex, and more. Over the next few days, I processed those words and started listening to you again. I bought "Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" and read it in less than 48 hours. I was APPALLED at my behavior towards the greatest man I've ever known. I made a change that night. Over the weeks I noticed that my husband started to change. We were laughing, happy, and having sex. The problem was never him-it was me. Our Marriage has done a 180, and we are both crazy in love. You and your wisdom has brought us closer and saved our marriage. Thank you for telling it like it really is. 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM