Living In The Basement
July 20, 2017
Living In The Basement

I was listening the other day to your program and got a really good laugh from one of your listeners. She had called in to ask how to get her husband to "step" up more. They evidently had a baby but were living in his Mom's basement.

That brought me back a few years ago. At about age 19 I was dating a man who I thought was "the one". We were discussing marriage when he brought up the notion that we would be living in his Mom's basement. I was mortified and told him that I would not be living in someone's basement. He couldn't understand why I was so upset. Needless to say, we broke up.

I am not sure if he ever did move out of his Mom's basement. I was shocked to hear that another "man" had thought that living in his Mom's basement was a good idea. I, on the other hand, have been married to my wonderful husband for over 31 years.

Thanks to you I am still his girlfriend.


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM