Winning People Over
December 19, 2012
Winning People Over

One of my golden rules is to settle (within my mind) negative situations and interactions, and agree/disappointment within 4 days (one day just to be mad, if needed, and then 3 days to address and settle the situation.) Then I learn and adjust from the interaction (situation), and then forget my disappointment and anger.

Add this with principals learned on how to interact with people, each person has what works and does not work.

A great book, time proven (initially written in 1939) by Dale Carnegie, is: "How to Win Friends and Influence People" which has lots of tools, However, one of the main ideas is usually the most powerful to tailor your actions:

The other person wants to feel important!

IF you keep that in mind as what the other person ultimate wants, you can usually find a common ground, if you can forgive.

I love your show: I listen to your podcasts and you have given me tools, and thoughts of resolution of my own emotional concerns - (mother issues, empty nest issues, and redevelop my relationship with my husband as an empty nester.  Thank you.

I appreciate your work and effort!


Posted by Staff at 6:44 AM