Children with 'Disorders'
March 6, 2015
Children with 'Disorders'

Dear Dr. Laura, 

I wish I had a week to tell you how listening to you and following your guidance has blessed my life, and that of my family, in every way. 

Regarding children with "disorders"... In my work as a medical transcriptionist/editor, from the reports I see, it is OBVIOUS children need intact homes!!!! The most common disorders the psychologists and psychiatrists diagnose are ADD really PARENTAL attention deficit disorder, and ODD oppositional defiant disorder--kids fighting back in the only way they know how! 

The parents bring their kids in for treatment because they are disruptive, disrespectful and getting poor grades. ALL these kids have divorced parents, step- and half-siblings, and their time divided between two households. Until now, I haven't come across the diagnosis of CPD crappy parents' disorder, but anyone can see, that is the correct diagnosis every time. 

Thank you so much for all you do, and I will continue listening, as I have done for the last two decades. 

Love and blessings to you, 


Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM