What Might Dr. Laura Say
February 7, 2018
What Might Dr. Laura Say
Dr. Laura:

Last night, I had an "aha" moment where I thought "what might Dr. Laura say" and followed through on that and it worked out very well.  My husband and I were having a conversation about some financial decisions we needed to make, and even though he understood my concerns, I was annoyed and couldn't get out of that mood.  Once I noticed what I was doing, however, I just walked up to him and gave him a really big hug.

As the evening wore on and we were watching TV, I made sure to put my feet on his legs, lean into his shoulder, and by the end of the night, we were both in great moods and he was genuinely happy.  That's when I thought "this is EXACTLY what Dr. Laura talks about!"  It may seem like simple advice to give hugs, hold hands and touch, but it really can make a huge difference.  

Thank you for your guidance!


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM