I Left My Corporate Life for This
May 9, 2014
I Left My Corporate Life for This

Dear Dr. Laura,

If I ever needed a confirmation that I'm doing the right thing by staying home to raise my girls, I got a big one this morning. When my husband and I are tired or feeling particularly unmotivated, we will ask each other to do silly things that simply can't be accomplished by the other. For example, when I was pregnant and I didn't want to go to the bathroom for the 13th time, I would ask my husband "Will you go pee for me?" He'd always respond with a loving, "Sure, Love. I'll get right on that." When he's tired at the end of the night, he'll ask me "Will you carry me up the stairs?" I'll respond with something like, "Absolutely, Honey. Just climb on my back." This is our silly way of supporting each other with humor.
This morning, while getting ready to go to the office, my hard-working husband asked me, "Will you go to work for me today?" But before I could respond with something cute, my two-and-a-half year old wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "Not you, Mommy." Touched by her sweetness, I snuggled her back. My husband looked at her and asked, "You don't want Mommy to go to work today?" She promptly hugged me tighter and whined, "Nooooo." She knows that Daddy goes to work so Mommy can stay home and take care of her and her baby sister, but the idea that Mommy might go to work was simply more than she could handle. My husband and I just smiled at each other, basking in the knowledge we are doing the absolute right thing.
Thank you so much for giving me the courage to leave my corporate life to raise my babies, and for fighting every day for what is right.
With much love,

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM