Customers Are NOT Always Right!
May 7, 2014
Customers Are NOT Always Right!

I have had 3 customer service type jobs over my career. The best example of your point that the customer is not always right was my job as a concierge at a New York City hotel. I had one super-rich, self-entitled b!#ch accuse me of being dishonest and a "charlatan" because the tickets to a Broadway musical I purchased for her were not close enough to the stage. (By the way, the tickets were in the 9th row in the orchestra section.) I lost it and said, "How dare you make such a horrible accusation!  How dare you accuse me of being dishonest!" I then followed up with that she was the nastiest human being I ever met. She stormed off and spoke to the manager of the hotel to try to get me fired. Fortunately for me the female manager  saw right though her and realized what a total b!#ch she was. Needless to say I didn't get fired and the incident never went further even though this woman was going to go to the president of hotel since she and her husband spent tons of money there. 

I will never let any customer ever treat or talk down to me the way this woman did. As upsetting as this experience was, she will never forget the mere concierge telling her off. 



Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM