Putting the Other's Needs First
May 24, 2012
Putting the Other's Needs First

Hi Dr. Laura,

I listen to you every night while driving a tractor trailer for UPS.

I am constantly amazed at how couples struggle in maintaining a loving relationship, yet one or both parties are always thinking of themselves rather than the spouse.

I married at 21 and will celebrate my 35th anniversary this July.

At the beginning of every weekend, I sit with my wife for morning coffee and ask her if there is anything she needs done around the house or anything special she wants to do for the weekend. It is not an empty question. If she says she would like something done, it goes to the top of my list and, if at all possible, it gets done. If she wants to go for a long walk with the dog, I fit it in as more important than my needs. When I start a project it gets done and not left half-completed. Sometimes, I really don't feel like doing her request but I suck it up and always feel better when I see her smile and thank me.

She also pays attention to my needs.

The relationship works when both parties put the other's needs first over their own needs -- when actions show you care more than empty word promises.

Keep up the good work of trying to help people -- I love your show.


Posted by Staff at 4:21 PM