June 1, 2011
The Phoenix Inspires

Dear Dr. Laura,

I thought you might enjoy this poem, which I just wrote.


The Phoenix

I read about a mythic creature
whose most memorable feature
is its deathly immolation.
Magical, or aberration -

If, in flight, some earthly dart
should pierce its beauty to the heart,
it falls in flames and though it dies,
then rises from black ash, and flies.

Well - I can do that. So can you.
Destruction is a point of view.
If felled by treacherous attack,
accept that end and don't look back.

Embrace that cleansing, charring spark,
and use its flame to light the dark.
Know in your broken heart that all
you were, could not survive the fall.

Inevitably, you must burn...
and scorched, rekindled, you will learn:
Your catastrophic crash to earth
was necessary for rebirth.

Relinquish all your shattered past -
and you will rise again, at last.

Posted by Staff at 6:00 AM