November 8, 2010
Flirting With Your Spouse
IconDear Dr. Laura, I was listening to your show when a caller was expressing concern about flirtatious and suggestive texts her husband was sharing with his female cousin. You asked her how long has she been aware her marriage was in trouble and she went off on a tangent but you quickly brought her back on track to where she answered the question, "today". You knew that wasn't the correct answer and she eventually 'fessed up to not giving him the attention he was needing. So, therefore he was seeking his affirmation elsewhere. She had asked her husband to send her texts like that, and he didn't even respond. She was hurt and offended. You suggested she trump the cousin and begin to flirt with him to bring him home to her. She said she would do so and that was that. I particularly enjoyed the end of call when Benjamin played the song, "I am waiting for you to come home and turn me on". You posed a question with several answers of what men would do if they had that on their voice mail. Then the sound of screeching tires played. I have been flirting heavily with my husband of 20 years via the phone, text, and emails for the past 6 months or so. He wasn't too savvy with these things ever, but he is learning quickly. Earlier in the year, we were having a bit of rocky time, not because we didn't love each other, but because we were both letting other priorities come before our marriage and distance came between us. We recognized it and are coming back to one another and it is wonderful. Just the day before your caller called, my hubby was going to be working late so we spent time together after we took the kids to school. We enjoyed a beautiful ride together on his motorcycle in the morning and had coffee. I had deliberately chose to leave my motorcycle at home so I could cuddle up to him on his bike. It was a gorgeous day on the Central Coast of CA. It was a truly great morning. Later I devised a plan to really rev his motor. Once I had everything taken care of with the kids, and they were in bed. I dolled myself up and went and took some sexy pictures of me on his sleek motorcycle in some red barely nothings. His desire is to "make it" on his motorcycle some day. I sent these to him via phone one by one with increasing degrees of enticement as it was getting close to him coming home. He called on the first, "Thanks! Nice Pic! Are you on my bike?" As the pictures went on, he called back, "If you keep sending pictures like those, I am going to get a speeding ticket on the way home!" This of course, was my full intention... not speeding tickets, but to entice him and have fun with him even while he is working. It was great fun doing that! He LOVED it!! Life is great with him and he has always been my man even in times when things were a bit strained. We are rediscovering one another and it is great fun and fulfilling. I LOVE being his wife, lover, companion, and best friend. Sincerely, M.

Posted by Staff at 9:44 PM